Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Harper - "We don't really know who's a Quebecois..."

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has openly admited that he doesn't know who would classify as a Quebecois. That's unfortunate, given the open pandering he's done to try and placate whiny nationalist Quebecer votes.

This is just another reason why the nation motion was such a bad idea. Giving the Quebecois (whatever they may be) recognition like this means we now live in a state where "some are more equal than others." Not that this wasen't the case before - Quebec has always been given special status and special privaleges that they don't deserve. Yet another example - that's all this is.

Alberta and the other Western provinces should move to define themselves as nations - Harper couldn't stop it now because he can't claim that we aren't a nation. He can't call one thing is doesn't understand a nation and then refuse to call another thing he equally doesn't understand a nation.

All in all, long live the firewall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must be so proud of Canada's New Prime Minister.

Divide, divide, divide - Tory new campaign slogan.